I began this series on building the Internet of Things (IoT) about four months ago with a promise to unpack the hype and dig deep into the real factors you'll need to consider on your road to IoT success. Along the way, I've share...
Extended sailing is often described as "days of boredom punctuated by moments of sheer terror." As a sailor, I can tell you that those boring times give you a lot of time to think. In fact, if you ever find yourself crossing the A...
The Cloud is changing how service providers and enterprises deliver services to users and provides new opportunities to drive their business forward. With cloud infrastructure, apps, and services they can proactively respond to m...
#CiscoChampion Radio is a podcast series by Cisco Champions as technologists. Today we're discussing Security and ASICs. Get the Podcast Listen to this episode Download this episode (right-click on the episode's download b...
People tend to call me because I'm a blend of helpful and optimistic -you might say a caffeine free way to start your day. So when the phone rang, and I was asked to be part of a well-being initiative Cisco was introdu...
Transportation is the life blood of any city. An efficient, safe and secure network is critical to support an increasing mobile population. Digital business transformation is a journey towards adopting and deploying digital ...
HIMSS17 is over, but the drive toward innovation and digital transformation will continue! According toModern Healthcare, 42,287 providers, C-suite executives, IT managers, clinicians, government employees, and vendors from ...
Turn mobile security on its head. Cisco and Samsung have collaborated to develop the secure mobility solution that addresses the enterprise market realities of today and well into the future. Cisco's AnyConnec...
Cisco has long supported updating the Electronic Communications Privacy Act (ECPA) to better protect customer data and communications stored with third-party providers against unwarranted searches and seizures. We, therefore...
Millennials are often judged as being 'lazy, impatient and self-entitled.' We want it all and we want it now (myself included!) But is that really a bad thing? Look at all the innovations that our impatience and need for convenien...
I went to school in the Dark Ages. Alright, that may be a little melodramatic. It was San Francisco public schools in the 80's and 90's: we barely had enough musty, old textbooks to distribute to each student, school computers wer...
Summary Talos has become aware of active scanning against customer infrastructure with the intent of finding Cisco Smart Install clients. Cisco Smart Install is one component of the Cisco Smart Operations solution that facili...