Co-authored with Nicolas Breton, Product Manager Marketing, Cisco In the era of Cloud-scale networking, network simplicity, agility and scale are essential. Service Providers are currently expanding their Data Center footpri...
Wasted time. We've all experienced it. From waiting in line at the DMV to sitting in traffic, when we're stuck in neutral through no fault of our own. It's frustrating and we'd all love to be doing something more constructive with...
"You take the blue pill, the story ends. You wake up in your bed and believe whatever you want to believe. You take the red pill, you stay in Wonderland, and I show you how deep the rabbit hole goes." That was 199...
The defining principle of working in technology is its relentless pace of change and innovation, even in places where you may not expect it. Today, technologies are improving so quickly, in so many ways, that companies have an unp...
Speech control of drones and robots is so popular these days that a simple Google search reveals about 14 million results on the topic. However, many of these projects are meant for hands-on technical people as opposed to business...
UPDATE: March 17, 2017 Based on the "Vault 7" public disclosure, Cisco launched an investigation into the products that could potentially be impacted by these and similar exploits and vulnerabilities. As part of the internal inves...
Yes, it's official! Cisco successfully completed the ISO 27001 Certification across our entire services business worldwide. This important certification reinforces our commitment to protecting Cisco and our customers. With Cisco a...
Dennis Perto is a Cisco Champion, an elite group of technical experts who are passionate about IT and enjoy sharing their knowledge, expertise, and thoughts across the social web and with Cisco. The program has been running for ov...
We're in the business of creating tools and technology for collaboration. Everything we do is focused on making it easier for teams to work together and "get stuff done." But putting the best tools in place isn't going to create t...
Berlin.Europe's Europe.Where someone thought of doing this so you can smile when paying to park your car: Where this was also happening the week before the last: In other words, the first Cisco Live for 2017 (and unsurprisingly ...
Last week at Mobile World Congress, we started a movement. With one bold idea-leverage the power of sponsorship to accelerate the pipeline of extraordinary diverse talent in tech-we took a powerful first step in changing the equat...
Be bold for change. These words are the call to action for this year's International Women's Day (Wednesday, ?March 8). They call attention to women's issues around the world -top of mind for so many of us. They als...