Broadening their boundaries by establish themselves as a more international company, Il Palato Italiano relied on Cisco hardware as a main ingredient to their recipe for success. Il Palato Italiano is an Italian-based club that's...
Your mission-critical data needs to be available, protected, and secure. With the launch of Microsoft's SQL Server 2016, there's an opportunity to transform your data platform with breakthrough mission-critical capabilities, in-me...
If you are like 72% of organizations globally, your network still has some or all TDM and/or analog endpoints according to Nemertes Research. This is an astounding fact. Almost nowhere in the industry (including in this blog) do p...
There has never been a better time to change the world together. Now is the time to work together, leverage our partner ecosystem, and use the power of the Cisco brand to bebetter togetherin the digital future. What's New? ...
We've all heard that digital business transformation is upon us. Organizations are transforming processes and business models in order to get to market faster and foster innovation. Disruptive business models are replacing establi...
The thoughtful placement of technology in our education environments can greatly enhance the way students learn and educators teach. As we all know, it's possible for students to partake in mobile and distance learning, to access ...
It's a wrap: Charter "Spectrum TV" customers who also own Roku devices can stream to their hearts' delight - and Charter can have the peace of mind knowing that their content arrangements are safe and secure. That's because Cisco ...
By Todd McCrum,Sr. Director, Strategy & Product Management, Cable Access BU It was at last year's INTX, in Chicago, that we launched the cBR-8 (remember the "Giga-Baby"?) as a way to help our cable service provider customers a...
By Marc Aldrich, SVP, Global Service Provider, Cisco We hereby interrupt this helter-skelter year in news, workload and general busy-ness to offer a moment of Zen, in the form of appreciating three trailblazers in our midst. By "t...
Automation is a key element in our Cisco Digital Network Architecture (DNA). The immediate -and let's admit it, somewhat negative- association with automationis that the human element in production is almost entirely replaced by r...
Next week at the O'Reilly Open Source Conference (OSCON) in Austin, Texas, I'll be teaching systems administrators and developers how to throw away their servers each time they want to make a simple change. Sounds ridiculous? That...
Research has shown that businesses who leverage their data are statistically more likely to be successful in their respective industries. The opportunity granted by big data enables businesses to boost their competitive advantage,...