It is nearly impossible to miss the business transformation taking place in every organization. As consumers, our smart devices have trained us to expect delivery of information or services at near instant speed. But w...
My youngest daughter, a very energetic happy-go-easy fourth grader, was looking over my shoulder as I was working on this blog. "Dad, why talk about going back to school before the summer break even starts?" Good point, considerin...
This is the final post in a series that has been focused on providing different ways to think about the job of a modern day software technology architect. The series began with the idea of defining an architecture that blends phys...
The Wall Street Journal recently stated that one of our greatest frustrations is traffic and our daily commute. I live in a large city and travel often to big cities for work, and I can personally relate to this. Sitting in traffi...
Tsunami Slams Japanese Coastline. Train Derailment Injures 100. Terrorists Attack Airport.We have all read these headlines too often. Sadly, disasters usually strike without notice and timely response by public agencies is critica...
Most of us use video in personal and enterprise interactions, but how is video doing in contact centers? We are seeing growth in video as a channel within customer care world, both based on recent reports and deployments by Cisco ...
New cloud-based video experiences like cloud digital video recorder, TV everywhere, and streaming video-on-demand sound great on paper. But will subscribers actually pay for them? The answer is a resounding yes -to the tune of nea...
Three-and-a-half years ago, an informal brainstorming session among a few of us started a broader discussion on how we should co-innovate with the startup ecosystem, which eventually led to the creation of a new corporate venturin...
This week I had the opportunity to participate in the 11th International Association for Court Administration (IACA) conference. This conference has been another valuable best practices sharing event with 83 speake...
People say that opposites attract, but big differences in economic or social background, education, and personality can sometimes lead to misunderstanding, conflict-and a weekly appointment with a marriage counselor! The same can ...
Cisco has been actively participating in open source and open standards for a long time and is now also a founding member of the Open IT Framework at the most recently held Open Networking User Group (ONUG) earlier this month. As ...
Earlier this week, we begun talking about digital inequality as it relates to connectivity, and how communities can begin to address and solve this societal issue. Today, I want to talk at large about the importance of providing t...