New technologies drive new capabilities, new information, and new ways of doing business. Forward-looking companies will demand more from the services and applications they use. This is the digital transformation. This will affect...
End-to-end security tends to be very abstract and difficult for humans to visualize. The challenges of designing, building and maintaining networks with security across every business case and each part of your network is no simpl...
According to our latest economic analysis, there's$405 billion in Digital Value at Stake in Retail banking from 2015 to 2017. In 2015, financial services institutions captured only 29% of the potential Value at Stake. There's a lo...
Partners are focused on delivering the best customerandworkforce experiences using technology, and more often than not, this digitization is enabled by software. Digital transformation creates an unbelievable opportunity for Cisco...
This is a guest blog by Tejas Vashi, Senior Director, Product Strategy & Marketing, Cisco Services Data rules the IT world right now -there is just so much of it. Yet, there are often many missed opportunities when it co...
On January 28, 2015, Cisco launched the Virtual Pediatric Network (VPN) at the Children's Hospital of Orange County (CHOC) Children's Hospital Hyundai Cancer Institute in Southern California. The VPN, a Cisco Corporate Social Resp...
The first thing you need to know about Austin is the motto: Keep Austin Weird! Technically, that should say it all. The second thing you need to know about Austin is that EVERY day is Geek day and we love that! Being a geek, a ga...
In Part One of this Cybersecurity for IoT Blog Series, I noted that we should assume that everything will someday be connected-even those "things" designed without any networking capability. However, we should also be deliberate w...
Shortly after being named the leader of Cisco's Global Partner Organization, I championed three strategic imperatives that are vital to our partners' and Cisco's continued success: Simplicity: removing complexity and making it e...
#CiscoChampion Radio is a podcast series by Cisco Champions as technologists. Today we're discussing Meraki with Simon Tompson. Get the Podcast Listen to this episode Download this episode (right-click on th...
My wife and I recently ordered some clothes online for our children. My youngest son was particularly excited about a Marvel Avengers t-shirt he'd picked out. Imagine his disappointment when the order failed to arrive! A...
Did you know this is the first time that the Books and Chapters have received an update in over 10 years? Over 10,000 Books and 150,000 related chapters have been updated with a new, more flexible format. The new...