In February 2016, we gathered in Berlin and asked you if you were ready to experience Cisco in a new way. This year, we are heading back to Germany to make sure you know that Your Time Is Now! Cisco Live Europe is taking shape, a...
In 2016, there seemed to be constant reminders in the news about the latest hack or newest type of attack. As a result, the security market experienced a significant amount of growth. Gartner expects the cybersecurity market to cr...
As the threats and risks from cyber criminals, terrorists, gangs, nation states, and others continue to grow and evolve, national security and public safety officials in Europe face one of the most difficult challenges yet in keep...
I'm a journalist; a storyteller. My job as a social media manager for Cisco requires all the same skills I honed as a news producer at television news stations all across the country. When I made the leap into the corporate tech w...
Tim Harmon is a Cisco Champion, an elite group of technical experts who are passionate about IT and enjoy sharing their knowledge, expertise, and thoughts across the social web and with Cisco. The program has been running for over...
It's hard to believe that 2 ? years ago, in my role as Head of Network Services at Cigna, I was in NYC presenting a concept to an emerging community called the Open Network Users Group. Prior to the event, I vividly recall N...
The Consumer Electronics Show (CES) usually highlights important technology trends that could shape the future. This year, artificial intelligence (AI), the smart IoT sensors that fuel it, and increasingly powerful and seamless hu...
Regardless of the ongoing debate on the efficacy of legal action against illegal streaming, there seems to be more legal action initiated, with pretty significant judgments, across more territories and jurisdictions. Two reports o...
Over the past several weeks, there have been ongoing discussions regarding cyber attacks that have occurred against several political, governmental, and private sector entities in the United States. These discussions have revolved...
This one's for everyone careening out of the holidays and into 2017 - while necessarily keeping an eye on what's about to happen at the upcoming International Consumer Electronics Show. We'll be at the Wynn Hotel again, with a hot...
The end of the year is usually a time when we reflect on what we've accomplished in the past 12 months and set goals for the upcoming year. One resolution that should be easier to cross off your list in 2017 is to bring new life t...
We have been writing a lot of blogs for network engineers and developers. But, I recently realized that Cisco Partners may benefit from a little information about DevNet. If you are a Cisco partner, potential partner, or work for ...