Digital learning solutions have the power to transform the K-12 classroom, especially for schools that have lofty education technology goals. A great example of this is Wayne Highlands School District. Like many schools in Northea...
Whatever word you choose to describe 2016, boring won't be one of them. From changes in political arenas across the globe to beloved public figures passing away to the Chicago Cubs winning the World Series and ending 108 straight...
Collecting a half-dozen engineers in a snowbound mountain cabin is a surprisingly effective way to get creative. So are Friday afternoon "break talks" with engineers lounging, connected by a video wall to coworkers in other locati...
We're at the cusp of a cloud data transformation, and there shouldn't be any doubt that the cloud is going to take center stage in your data center planning. Over the last few years, cloud adoption has evolved from an emerging tec...
Last week, I wrote about a multi-phased approach that can be used by school districts to create a vision for the use of technology on their campuses and positively manage change within the district. Today, I want to specifically t...
Today, global headlines are focused on alleged government-led breaches of U.S. political parties. But the threat of nefarious online activity goes beyond the email and communications of elected officials. The large-scale distribut...
In Cisco Services, we are passionate about connecting the unconnected -so I'm always impressed when I see innovation aligned to this goal. And with service providers globally continually striving to differentiate their business, i...
Vulnerabilities discovered by Talos Talos is disclosing two denial of service vulnerabilities (CVE-2016-9036 & CVE-2016-9037) in Tarantool. Tarantool is an open-source lua-based application server. While primarily functionin...
As I fly back from a few days visiting manufacturing facilities in Mexico, I wanted to share three things I learned on the trip: Dej
The development of the digital landscape is accelerating at an unprecedented rate for Cisco, our ecosystem of partners, and our mutual customers. We're seeing unprecedented opportunity as our customers -across all vertical markets...
For a company as large as Cisco, we truly feel like an interconnected family every day, but especially when the seasonal traditions from around the globe are celebrated! Celebrating holidays to ensure everyone feels included, we ...
IEC 60870-5-104 Protocol Detection Rules Cisco Talos has released 33 Snort rules which are used to analyze/inspect IEC 60870-5-104 network traffic. These rules will help Industrial Control Systems/Supervisory Control and Data Acqu...