This post was written by guest blogger Patrice D'Eramo, who, as Vice President of the Americas Field Marketing Organization, leads field marketing for Cisco's largest geographic region with$25 billion in annual sales. As I r...
As part of our IWAN series, I wanted to provide a deeper dive into PfR. Why PfR? It is a fundamental feature that helps customers protect critical apps while increasing bandwidth utilization. I think it is fair to say, every org...
Malware is everywhere and it's incredibly challenging to combat, using whatever unprotected path exists to reach its target and accomplish its mission. Malware has become the weapon of choice for hackers. According to the 2013 Ver...
Welcome to the New Manufacturing Renaissance driven by a collage of sensors, robots, servers, clouds, tablets, machines, people and ...things. The Internet of Everything (IoE) is serving as the canvas that connects and integrates ...
It is Sunday night in Amman, Jordan, and the Jordanian startup scene keeps moving full steam ahead at an event called Dealmakers Weekend, organized by Endeavor, a nonprofit that supports high-impact entrepreneurship and Int@j, a n...
A few weeks ago when we announced the Cisco APIC Enterprise Module, in response to apost by Cisco VP Jeff Reed, David had quite a lengthy comment to which I'd like to respond. His specific question (within the full comment) ...
Each year, CRN announces its list of Channel Chiefs. This list constitutes a "who's who" within the world of channel management. According to CRN, these folks head up the partner programs that you all depend on to run your busines...
Mobile World Congress 2014 is underway at Fira Gran Via in Barcelona, Spain. As well as providing the WiFi network to the event, which has over 1200 access points covering the 2.6m sq feet conference venues, Cisco had ...
Today's CIOs understand how mobility and BYOD programs have benefited the companies thus far -from increased productivity, improved collaboration, reduced costs and much more, according to a recent Mobile Enterprise article. In my...
As the product owner, one comment I get most of all is "Wow, I had no idea Cisco had these products". This is the case even though we ship well over 20 million switch ports delivering hundreds of millions of dollars in revenue per...
Florida Blue will serve as the anchor tenant for a new Lake Nona, Fla.-based healthcare innovation center slated to launch in 2015. As Lake Nona in Orlando, Fla., continues to serve as a model medical city for smarter technologies...
Welcome to Episode 2 of#CiscoChampion Radio, a podcast series by and for Cisco Champions as technologists, hosted by Cisco's Amy Lewis (@CommsNinja). This week we're talking about Application Centric Infrastructure (ACI)...