#CiscoChampion Radio is a podcast series by Cisco Champions as technologists. Today we'll be talking about ACI with Cisco Technology Evangelist Lauren Malhoit and Cisco Technical Marketing Engineer Carly Stoughton.
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Learn about the Cisco Champions Program HERE.
See a list of all#CiscoChampion Radio podcasts HERE.
Cisco SMEs
Lauren Malhoit, @malhoit, Cisco Technology Evangelist
Carly Stoughton, _vCarly, Cisco Technical Marketing Engineer
Cisco Champion Guest Hosts
Michael Aossey, @aossey, Solutions Architect
Chris Nickl, @ck_nic, Cloud Infrastructure Architect
Lauren Friedman (@Lauren)
What is ACI?
Introducing ACI to traditional networkers
Managing virtual and physical environments from one controller
Declarative vs. Imperative models
ACI Policy Model
Nexus 9000 series and ACI
Video: How Devices Connect to the Fabric: Understanding Cisco ACI Domains
Video: Understanding the Cisco ACI Policy Model
INSBU Website with ACI and Nexus 9000 Information
Cisco Champion RadioAs you've moved to biz discussion consult are companies embracing the change?
chris_nicklthe smarter ones yes, but it takes more conversation during the sales cycles. Its easy to sell boxes, its harder to prove value in services.
PriscillaOppThis is kind of a vague question, but can you comment on scalability of ACI?
PerkzillaEnd to end is a big deal
Perkzillawhitelist model is as well....
aossey distributed execution and procs and ASICs outside the compute
chris_nicklmike, if you want to ask the above question around "scalability"
Cisco Champion RadioQ: How do these differentiations tie into the biz conversations you have?
PriscillaOppACI policy model, if I heard this right? Who's out there? Who are they allowed to talk to? What are they allowed to communicate?