Published June 18 at Imagine what a university could and should look like in several years. What will our students be learning? How will they be learning? What tools will they need in th...
I've been thinking about what to write for a while now. I'm involved in some really cool projects right now, pervasive wifi in a theme park, using CMX with many zones at that same theme park and upgrading some public schools...
Next week in Los Angeles, our team will be at HITEC 2014, the world's largest hospitality technology show. This year, we are once again sponsoring the wireless network at the Los Angeles Convention Center, so ...
Increasing safety used to mean finding budget for additional personnel, vehicles, equipment, radio networks, and other traditional IT. But thanks to an influx of connected technology, cities all over the world are reimagining what...
To think that the number of connected devices will grow to possibly 10 billion by 2018 with some forecasts as high as 40 billion connected devices by 2020,that is mindboggling. That means that there will be about 10 connected devi...
If Dallas only brings images of football gamesandTV soap operas to mind, it's time to re-consider this southern city. A year ago, Dallas faced some challenges adopting comprehensive sustainability programs. But since then, the cit...
Two years back, I disparaged hybrid clouds in my blog: "Why Hybrid Clouds Look Like my Grandma's Network". Since then the pain and necessity of many clouds in business environment has become acute. I see a great similarity between...
Solution architectures are typically derived from open-ended questions designed to discover customer needs.However, Cisco approaches customers with insights-based assertions that rest on the belief that true innovation emerges fro...
Were you surprised? Probably not. Tracking Time with UCS -Last 3 Years of Market Share Growth: 5 years 3 months ago Cisco announced UCS 5 years ago, Cisco started shi...
Hello, there! My name is Kathryn Howe, and I'm a senior advisor in Cisco's Retail Industry Practice. I am joining this blog to write regularly on my favorite topic and one of today's hottest retail trends: Shopper behavior analyti...
#CiscoChampion Radio is a podcast series by Cisco Champions as technologists hosted by Amy Lewis (@CommsNinja). This week 25 Cisco Champions gather in a small room (aka the white box) at the Moscone Center. Topics: Cisco Live (#CL...
It has been predicted that everything in the future will be connected and "communicate" with one another. There is even a phrase for it -the Internet of Everything (IoE). The impact of these connections is all about improving conn...