Content protection technology used to be selected by the video service provider, and was typically based on a controlled proprietary solution. That is no longer the case. Consumers today enjoy all kinds of content on a myriad of d...
The integrated infrastructure segment continues to be one of the fastest growing IT markets. We recently highlighted that Cisco was the leader in the integrated infrastructure market with industry leading integrated systems built ...
Storage 101 Less than a year ago, October 29th 2013, Cisco acquired Whiptail {}, a high performance scalable solid-state memory system. Shortly after its acquisition, the product lines were...
Storage 101 Less than a year ago, October 29th 2013, Cisco acquired Whiptail , a high performance scalable solid-state memory system. Shortly after its acquisition, the product lines were renamed UCS Invicta. The idea behind UCS I...
Arguably 2014 is already turning out to be a big year for cloud. Some have even called it "The Year of the Cloud." Cloud implementation continues to play an essential role in overall IT strategy: A recent report says 80% of c...
The fundamental security problem that many defenders face is securing their environment in a world of continuous change. IT environments change. Threats change. But today's threat detection technology doesn't change. It's stuck in...
It's an exciting year for Scotland, with several very high profile events happening. On our doorstep in July is the Glasgow 2014 Commonwealth Games -what we call "Glasgow 2014" - which, after the Olympics and World (soccer) C...
Last Saturday, I spent a few hours scouring department stores for "that just right pair of black flat shoes" needed for an upcoming networking event. On the third stop, there was a large sign reading "Buy One -Get One Half O...
Recently at our Cisco Live user event, I had the opportunity to talk to many IT organizations about managing and maintaining their data center environment, and the common theme I heard time and again was "how do I get the most val...
For years, many IT organizations have been addressing slow application performance by adding more bandwidth. With broadband speeds available at over 100 Mbps, and the future of Fiber-optic at 1 Gbps, you would think bandwidth woul...
Cisco CMX Mobility Developer Challenge is under way at topcoder. CMX Mobile Application SDK can be leveraged in a mobile application to provide indoor location and navigation for users. The SDK will connect with the CMX Mobil...
Following last week's New Cities Summit, I have renewed interest in some of the technologies being implemented to improve citizen services. For example, as a citizen of the Dallas metroplex, I was intrigued by many of the solution...