Organizations are realizing that without a formal comprehensive cloud strategy, line of business and application architects will continue to sidestep their internal IT organizations and procure solutions on their own -an industry ...
The JD Edwards Summit brings together over 700 business partners from around the world for a week of product updates, industry discussions and intense training. A number of vendors were asked to present solutions that are sp...
I often find when you say "cloud" to a customer they get a reluctant look on their face, and I wonder to myself, "Is it the mystery about the cloud that concerns them? Maybe the idea of things being sent off to a far away place kn...
This week, Cisco Corporate Social Responsibility will follow Deborah Huyler and Andrew Torres, two Cisco Networking Academy Dream Team students, as they set up wireless access points, provide network troubleshooting, and soak in t...
{1|{7|crypt1|<Victim PC MD5>|1}|9831374BF569D58A8BED493DF407F4EF|5|1|2||}{<Request ID>|crypt1|<Victim PC MD5>|<OS Ver Index>..||External Ip Address}This post was authored by Andrea Allievi ...
Shawn McCarthy, Research Director at IDC Government recently penned an insightful blog on IoT. Titled "Beyond the Internet of Things: How Convergence Can Help Governments Support Their Rising Tide of New Devices," the blog notes w...
In the 1989 movie Back to the Future II, Michael J. Fox's character Marty McFly travels to the year 2015. He sees a future with hover boards, holograms, flat-screen TVs, and video calls. Not bad for predictions made over 25 years ...
As a result of Cisco's acquisition last May, ThreatGRID is now part of the Cisco Advanced Malware Protection (AMP) portfolio as AMP Threat Grid. The acquisition expands Cisco AMP capabilities in the areas of dynamic analysis and t...
Working on an MPI implementation isn't always sexy. There's a lot of grubby, grubby work that needs to happen on a continual basis to produce a production-quality MPI implementation that can be used for real-world HPC applic...
"Today's decision by the IEEE Board of Directors is a significant victory for consumers and for those who want a reasonable and stable patent system that supports innovation. In making this decision, the IEEE supported those ...
As with any type of information, the quality of the context improves the quality of the content. That is, the more relevant and accurate the information, the more valuable it becomes. This truism is highly pertinent to the growing...
The next MPI Forum meeting will be in Portland, OR, USA, in early March. One of the major topics on the agenda will be voting on the MPI 3.1 standard. You might be wondering what's new in MPI-3.1. I'm glad you asked. First, I want...