It's hard enough being a department of two. Now imagine managing an out-of-date network infrastructure in an old, three-story building. And add two other older buildings running the same decrepit network and you have the scenario...
The press lit up when we announced a landmark partnership with Apple last week. This was definitely an important announcement for us. As you can imagine, everyone is very excited with what this partnership can make possible for en...
During my college years, I worked for a major US airline. It was a great job but could get a little rough when faced with cancellations, overbookings, missed connections, etc. However, when faced with challenging situations I...
By Adam Davies,product marketing manager for Infinite Video, Service Provider Video Software and Solutions, Cisco By now it's very clear that TV and entertainment viewing habits are changing. More people are accessing more content...
Customers frequently comment that IT simply isn't keeping pace with their needs. Provisioning new data center resources can take weeks. To be fair, IT professionals are doing the best they can but manual processes and ...
Cisco Cognitive Threat Analytics is a security analytics product that discovers breaches in Cisco customer's networks by means of advanced statistical analysis, machine learning and global correlation in Cisco security cloud....
I was recently talking to an industry colleague about how incredibly focused we are, as a company, on the video marketplace. I meant it, so I was surprised to see the eyebrow-spiked reaction and their response: "How can you...
Cisco Intelligent Traffic Director (ITD) is an innovative solution to bridge the performance gap between a multi-terabit switch and gigabit servers and appliances. It is a hardware based multi-terabit layer 4 load-balancing, ...
"Why Cisco?" I was asked repeatedly after speaking on a panel about drones. "Why not Cisco?" was my passionate response. The occasion was the recent NASA UTM Convention at Silicon Valley's historic Moffett Field to explore creativ...
Growing up, my grandfather and I were very close. As a boy and young man, I learned a lot about the world from the stories he would tell me on his porch in Chicago about his life growing up black in the segregated south, the...
Earlier this summer I was privileged to be the closing keynote speaker at the UTM Convention, sponsored by the Association for Unmanned Vehicle Systems International's Silicon Valley chapter. The convention took place at the NASA ...
The Cisco Research Triangle Park (RTP), North Carolina campus, normally quiet over the weekend, will be alive and buzzing with activity this Saturday, September 12, as hundreds of students, robots, coaches, and volunteers gather f...