If we look back at the security landscape of 2018, there were some interesting highs and lows. There were a number of large-scale breaches in the news attributed to hackers, involving notable companies. All indications for 2...
Winning teams have a few things in common: they bring together diverse skills, their individual players collaborate to get the job done, and they are driven to succeed. All of those elements aligned in 2018 for the Cisco-CenturyLi...
On Tuesday of this week, both CDP and Corporate Knights announced the results of their 2018 assessment of thousands of global companies in the areas of climate change (CDP) and the broader topic of sustainability (Corporate Knight...
Cisco Live Barcelona is right around the corner (January 28
Two years ago, Cisco announced the intent to acquire AppDynamics, and to celebrate, we hosted a one-of-a-kind virtual launch even on January 23rd. At AppDynamics Transform, David Wadhwani, CEO of AppDynamics, shared what
When we talk about Utilities, we usually refer mainly to the companies that supply electricity to business and residential consumers. However, there are several other types of Utilities including Water, Gas and Waste Management co...
Today, Talos is publishing a glimpse into the most prevalent threats we
Posted on behalf of contributing author: Travis Carlson Travis has worked in networking and telecommunications for 10 years with experience in device programmability, routing, Network Function virtualization (NFV), Amazon We...
This Tuesday Veeam announced that they have received SAP HANA certification. Veeam can now protect SAP HANA deployments with native SAP database backups. With Veeam integrations for Cisco HyperFlex and Veeam Availability on HyperF...
Data Privacy is having a big year. The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) became enforceable in May 2018, along with potential fines of up to 4% of gross revenue, and many countries have passed or updated their own pr...
This blog post was authored by John Arneson of Cisco Talos Executive Summary Cisco Talos once again spotted the Ursnif malware in the wild. We tracked this information stealer after Cisco