As more and more 802.11ac devices come to the market this year, businesses need to make sure the best possible 802.11ac wireless infrastructure gets deployed to make sure those 802.11ac end points are performing at both the best p...
#CiscoChampion Radio is a podcast series by Cisco Champions as technologists, hosted by Cisco's Amy Lewis (@CommsNinja). This week we're talking about UCS. Listento the Podcast Featured Guests:Cisco Champions: Robert Novak (@gall...
As a Cisco Technical Solutions Architect working directly with our customers, partners, business units and watching the evolution of VDI, its becoming more and more apparent that things are about to change in a major way. The mode...
Electric trading markets that allow consumers to procure blocks of energy directly from generation providers have existed for a long time, but have tended to be in areas with highly stable distribution systems with access limited ...
These are exciting times at Cisco as we continue our journey with you in the world of many clouds. You may have read Rob Lloyd's announcement about the expansion of Cisco's Cloud strategy, and may wonder: do I really care? I...
The Nexus 9516 is the latest addition to the Nexus 9000 family of switches and it is already making headlines everywhere. The crowning moment came two weeks ago, when the Nexus 9516 was selected as Best of Interop 2014 finalists, ...
Today at Cisco we announced the fifth anniversary of the Unified Computing System (UCS), along with innovations in our Application Centric Infrastructure (ACI) portfolio. It's pretty exciting considering that when we entered the s...
As organizations mature, often they become silo'd into groups with similar charters but without a process to align their efforts. As a member of a team that is responsible for the overall strategy for of the company's digital expe...
When customers ask me why they should care about hybrid networks, I ask them the following questions. Did the number of mobile devices in your enterprise increase? Did the number of applications on your datacenter increase? Do...
Hannover Messe is once again upon us. The world's premier industrial technical showcase will be held in Hannover, Germany fromApril 7-11, 2014. Last year's faire had a clear focus on the"The Integrated Industry", often...
Held in conjunction with EuroMPI/ASIA 2014 (see the associated call for papers), September 9-12, 2014. In-cooperation status with ACM and SIGHPC. This year, EuroMPI/ASIA 2014 will hold two workshops. Accepted workshop ...
The sixth season of the National CyberPatriot Competition kicked off back in November, andthe National Finals are coming up: March 26th-29th. Conceived by the Air Force Association, CyberPatriot is a premier Internet defense compe...