The acronym SIAM stands forServiceIntegrationAndManagement, and it is a hot topic in the world of IT Service Management.....but why? Service integration models have been around awhile, but are evolving from the challenges of manag...
In the second part of my blog series I want to cover one of the main concerns that Services Providers are facing as they explore moving to NFV and that is performance and scalability. Common concerns I hear center around latency, ...
Recently I was speaking to someone (Mike from New Jersey) at Cisco Live and they were raving about their journey to the Flexpod. They were seeking the best compute, networking and storage yet didn't want to be boggled down with de...
Seven years ago, many people (including my mother-in-law) thought I had made a career-ending decision to accept a high-risk assignment and relocate to India. My mission: build from the ground up Cisco's second headquarters, ...
#CiscoChampion Radio is a podcast series by Cisco Champions as technologists. Today we're talking about IWAN deployments with Cisco Communications Architect David Prall. Lauren Friedman (@Lauren) moderates and Sven Kutzer and Rika...
Organizations are rapidly moving critical data into the cloud, yet they still have serious concerns about security and other business risks. Read Bob Dimicco's blog to learn several important steps companies can take to mitigate t...
Do any web search on the inhibitors of moving to cloud and you'll find a primary challenge rises to the top-business risk. The benefits of cloud often outweigh risks, which is why more and more business information is being shared...
During a panel on IoE in Business last week, Stanley Black & Decker announced the results and estimated productivity savings, upside revenue, and risk cost avoidance of a new Connected Factory Wireless implementation conducted...
Written By Wayne Cullen, Senior Manager, Service Provider Architectures Along with cloud computing, M2M, collaboration, and hoodie sweatshirts, virtualization is a trenddu jour. Like all trends, it's based on an old idea (dating ...
Cisco has a broad base of data center customers with a diverse set of requirements and we meet their needs with Nexus -the most comprehensive switching portfolio in the industry. This week, we are making announcements for bo...
Every year a new attendance record is set at Mobile World Congress by networkers participating from over 200 countries across the globe. This grand attendance of industry-defining vendors, technology enthusiasts and exhibitors tri...
Blog authored by Chet Namboodri, Cisco and Patrick Gilbert, AeroScout Industrial Last week, at an Internet of Everything event in Chicago, Cisco and its partners showcased how an increase in connected devices is improving lives an...