Have threat-centric security questions and don't know where to turn? Wish you could engage with Cisco Security experts and your peers? Good news! ... (drumroll please).... introducing the Cisco Security Community! The Cisco ...
If you are like the many IT managers we talk to every day, you prefer to have options whenever you tackle a project or formulate your IT strategy. Perhaps, you do not like the idea of feeling limited, constrained or unable to leve...
As a Cloud Architect, I've had the privilege to work with CTOs and CIOs across the globe to uncover the key factors driving Business Continuity and Workload Mobility across their cloud infrastructures. We've worked with ...
We're excited to be back at the Moscone Center in San Francisco for VMworld this week and our theme is Bring IT: Unleash the Possibilities. You'll see this theme unfold throughout the Cisco activities at VMworld -where we'll ...
You may not have heard about BKK AS. They are actually the second largest power grid owner in Norway with over 180,000 customers. Like many power and energy companies, some of their equipment has been around a long time. It works,...
The worlds of Digital Analytics and Marketing Analytics have frequently led somewhat independent lives -with the Digital Analyst spending time looking at digital channels (web/mobile/social), reading out metrics, understanding con...
Application Centric Infrastructure Special EditionIt has been just a few short weeks since the Cisco Application Policy Infrastructure Controller (APIC) began shipping, building upon the availability of the Nexus 9000 seri...
"The innovation pipeline is very strong, and you can expect to see announcements in the fall that will continue to accelerate our momentum with UCS and add to our competitive advantage." Those are comments from Cisco's earnings ca...
The classic work of English historical literature "The Decline and Fall of Roman Empire" is a book written by the English historian Edward Gibbon, which traces the trajectory of Western civilization from the height of the Roman Em...
Data centers are rapidly adopting integrated infrastructure to run their businesses. However, the monitoring and management tools for these integrated components are not yet converged. Performance monitoring and capacity planning ...
Cisco (UCS?) continues its tradition ofperformance and price/performance leadershipwith the announcement of aworld-record TPC-H benchmark at the 1000GB Scale FactorrunningMicrosoft SQL Server 2014.On august 20th 2014, the Cisco UC...
The city of Nancy was once the Art Nouveau capital of France. Today it is a smart city, incorporating tagging systems in its municipal infrastructure to give citizens access to data captured from traffic lights, bus systems, cross...