802.11ac is the hottest topic of discussion and deployment in WiFi over the past couple of years. Ratified as a standard by the IEEE in November 2013,the first phase of 802.11ac products brought to market is commonly referred to a...
Registration is now open for the upcoming FIRST Technical Colloquium May 4-6, 2015 at Cisco Systems in Amsterdam, Netherlands. Please contact us at [email protected] for any questions. The event already has an exciting prelim...
My morning commute usually takes about an hour, on a good day, and it's only 25 miles from home to office. As I was sitting in bumper-to-bumper traffic - yet again - I began to think of the global nature of this problem and h...
"When the FCC Chairman's office originally unveiled open Internet rules last year, Cisco cheered the proposal, because we support an open Internet and believe that balanced rules that protect consumers and prevent anti-competiti...
An invitation to see howTomorrow starts hereat MWC 2015 We all like to talk about creating new customized services for the end user at "web-speed". But today there is no way to automate service creation, or to dynamically affect c...
Co-Authored by Patrick Gilbert, AeroScout Industrial The connection of people, process, data and things has propelled innovation across a variety of industries. Now, the Internet of Everything has gone underground, streamlin...
As we close on the first two months of 2015, I am amazed by the exciting developments that can directly benefit service providers. A few examples from my recent travels: CES in Las Vegas -The Internet of Everything moved from co...
If you were to ask any security administrator who had to manage the security policies across an organization, they would probably define the "5-Tuple" as a "hard to understand, cryptic method leftover from the 1990s' policy manag...
According to the Girl Scout Research Institute, more than half of all girls say they don't typically consider a career in science, technology, engineering, or math (STEM). At Cisco, we can change that -with the help of nonprofit p...
#CiscoChampion Radio is a podcast series by Cisco Champions as technologists. Today we'll be talking about creating videos and podcasts as IT professionals Listen to the Podcast. Learn about the Cisco Champions Program HERE.See a ...
As Cisco prepares for Cisco Live Melbourne#clmel, I wanted to take this opportunity to highlight our @Ciscocloud Intercloud partnership with Telstra The following Q&A session between executives of our partnered companies ident...
In just a couple of days, many of you will be taking planes, trains, and automobiles to sunny Barcelona. I see that the weather forecast is for 65oF / 19oC for the opening day of Mobile World Congress. I really appreciate how the ...