Not long ago I was asked to attend a quarterly Board meeting of one of my healthcare clients and to present the recommendations of a Strategic Security Roadmap (SSR) exercise that my team and I had conducted for the organization. ...
IT organizations are struggling with how to maintain what they have while also reacting to the rapidly changing needs of the business. Some think this means "transforming" IT into a new, agile organization -instead, we can use "bi...
I've noticed that many business cliches have been invading my language. I've been trying to be proactive in curbing the habit. Needless to say, it's not working. So instead of trying to cut back, at the end of the day I'...
John McDonough talks Intercloud Fabric on TechWiseTVTechWiseTV Episode 174 featuringCisco Intercloud Fabric, part of the Enterprise Cloud Suitewith guest John McDonough, @johnamcdonough YouTube Preview
Fast IT has the power to completely transform the role and the value of IT to the business. It is a critical imperative for those CIOs who want to transform themselves from the mere owners of technology stacks to thedriv...
In August of 2010 my journey with Cisco began as I started my career on the Engineering Talent Acquisition Team. Five years later, I can tell you that it is still just as fantastic as that first day because Cisco invests in ...
We caught up with Andrew Miller, Sr. Sales Engineer from Bit Stew Systems at Cisco Live this year. Bit Stew is a Cisco partner that focuses on the analytics space with a platform that they call 'Software Defined Operations for the...
#CiscoChampion Radio is a podcast series by Cisco Champions as technologists. Today we'll talk about Elastica, the Integration between Cisco ISE and Cloud Access Security Brokers, which gives administrators deeper visibility, secu...
Did you know gets more than 355.5M visits a year? One out of every 10 visits is from a mobile device and mobile usage is growing. Much of the Cisco website is mobile-friendly, with the new Home page, Prod...
Today, Cisco filed comments on a Proposed Rule published by the Department of Commerce's Bureau of Industry and Security (BIS) in an effort to comply with an international agreement called the Wassenaar Arrangement. The proposal w...
For the past year, I've worked with Carola van der Linden (Carola van der Linden), Marketing Manager in EMEAR, on Social Selling. I wanted to get her unique perspective on how sales and marketing works together...
Recently, I spent a week in Asia with clients, partners, and our various teams. One of the most common themes I heard from clients is that the pace of disruption in today's markets can be overwhelming. Yet, despite the speed and p...