It's not an industry-specific thing. Video conferencing can provide business benefits no matter the industry. Retailers and financial institutions are employing video to interact with customers. Medical professionals are consultin...
Customers' expectations have never been higher. They want choice and flexibility. They require intelligent networks and infrastructure that's intuitive, secure, easy to use and manage, and able to adapt to the specific requirement...
Let me start with a few ideas that should be pretty uncontroversial: Digitization is transforming even the most old-school industries. Who would have thought the taxi cab business would get turned on its head by an app? The o...
As the Cisco Partner Ecosystem continues its growth, and customers transform IT to increase business outcomes, we want to create opportunity for our partners so they can choose what makes sense for their business, and pick the rol...
Forrester research indicates that private cloud has entered into the formal IT portfolio by becoming a core part of data center strategy. I have been writing about the sea change underway in private cloud. This s...
#CiscoChampion Radio is a podcast series by Cisco Champions as technologists. Today we'll be talking with Cisco Champions about giving back to the IT community. Rachel Bakker (@rbakker) is this week's moderator. Listento the Podca...
In the more than ten years, I have worked in developing security solutions, I have witnessed the steady evolution of security threats and the incredible strides made to combat them.Recent high profile security breaches have shown ...
Last week, Cisco CEO John Chambers attended the World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland. A major theme of the week was security and the implications of the Internet of Everything...the topic which John focused on in his contrib...
In 1982, the Australian group Men at Work reached the#1 spot on the Billboard music charts with a song titled "Who Can it Be Now?" The accompanying early MTV-era video proved to be extremely popular, portraying a visitor to an apa...
As theCisco 2015 Annual Security Reportshows, current security approaches aren't sufficient. Attackers are shifting methods and becoming more sophisticated in their approaches, users are unwittingly complicit enablers, and defende...
As a Cisco team member, I'm convinced that the value of professional organizations cannot be understated. It's understood that employees across various industries have a lot on their plate these days. Data centers, SDN's or large ...
At Cisco India, we focus on addressing social issues where we believe we can have significant and lasting impact by applying our unique expertise to those issues. For example, after floods devastated rural communities in Northern ...