The search for the "next big thing" in technology has almost taken on mythic proportions. Just as Captain Ahab became obsessed with his pursuit of the elusive white whale inMoby Dick, it's easy to get caught up in pursuing big sol...
When it comes to leadership in the SDN marketplace, clearly there is one winner. And that is, Cisco ACI. The proof is in customer momentum numbers. Cisco ACI has 2700+ ACI customers and a rapidly growing ecosystem of 65 technology...
Partners of all types across the globe have one very important thing in common. Yes, they all want to become more profitable; but, they also want to help facilitate this by aligning their sales and marketing teams more closely. Wh...
It's that time of year again -the annual board meeting. As the Head of Manufacturing, you're ready to go with your presentation and review for the year. Slides look good -production was up and safety improved to just one minor inc...
In the United States, an available and consistent labor pool has been a differentiator to help manufacturing companies drive their business forward. Now we see the changing dynamics of an aging workforce that is starting to f...
Today, Cisco is proudly announcing that our cBR-8 Evolved CCAP has achieved both NAGRA CA (Conditional Access) and Cisco's Videoguard CA certification in compliance with the standard DVB Simulcrypt used in Europe and other parts o...
In recent years, utilities have risen in the ranks of common targets for cybercriminals. On Wednesday, December 7th, @Cisco_IoT and @CiscoUtilities hostedUtilities Security Imperative: More Real Than Ever, a#CiscoChat focused on c...
Fog computing is gaining traction across industries and academia, and across the world. In just one year, the OpenFog Consortium has grown from six founding members to 53 members in 15 countries-and still counting! But it's ...
You've heard me say it. You've heard Karen Walker say it: the transition to digital marketing is a business imperative for businesses across the board. And distributors are no exception. In my blog This Will Help You Sleep at Nigh...
This blog post was authored by Ben Baker, Edmund Brumaghin, Mariano Graziano, and Jonas Zaddach Executive Summary Floki Bot is a new malware variant that has recently been offered for sale on various darknet markets. It is based o...
Research shows that experiential and project-based learning is linked to significant improvements in student test scores, attendance and classroom engagement, as well as improved higher order thinking and problem solving skil...
We launched Cloud Scale Networking about a year ago to address the initial wave of software and hardware innovations that were built to enable co-development with Web Scale companies. Last July I offered my views on how Service Pr...