Cybercriminals continue to target critical infrastructure for substantial financial gain while also strategically attacking third-party vendors. And because, like any enterprise, they aim to maximize the returns on their investments in these attacks, their approach is both aggressive and persistent. To effectively defend themselves from these campaigns, businesses need to proactively manage their cyber risk to reduce the implications of a cyberattack, including revenue loss, loss of intellectual property, brand erosion, reputation damage, upstream and downstream victims, and even regulatory fines and penalties.
The Essential Eight framework, developed by the Australian Cyber Security Centre (ACSC), is a set of strategies explicitly designed to help organizations protect their IT networks against today's relentless cyberthreats.
Fortinet's commitment to cybersecurity closely aligns with the Essential Eight strategies. We employ a mix of advanced technologies and strategic methodologies to effectively address each element of the framework. Our solutions enhance the Essential Eight strategies, featuring specialized tools for application and operating system patching, strong multi-factor authentication (MFA) systems, and strict controls over administrative privileges and application usage. Our approach goes well beyond compliance, embedding these strategies deep within the cybersecurity framework itself.
The Essential Eight framework includes the following key strategies for cybersecurity:
These practices form a cohesive, comprehensive cybersecurity strategy, creating a multilayered defense system that is robust, dynamic, and capable of handling a variety of cyberthreats.
The Fortinet Security Fabric embodies a proactive approach to cybersecurity designed to anticipate and neutralize evolving cyberthreats. This dynamic system continuously adapts to new challenges while offering a holistic view and seamless integration and management of cybersecurity measures. Our approach closely aligns with the Essential Eight principles, focusing not only on best practices and advanced threat mitigation but also on strategic preparation for future challenges, ensuring a robust and resilient cybersecurity posture.
We invite you to explore how Fortinet's advanced solutions, combined with the Essential Eight framework, result in a robust protection system for your organization. It's about creating a cohesive, interconnected defense network, not just individual security measures. This strategic, integrated approach empowers organizations with a fortified cybersecurity posture, preparing them to face new and emerging cyberthreats.
For a deeper understanding of this vital security approach, download our comprehensive ebook.
For an even more effective process, let us help you with the initial planning stages of your implementation, evaluate your existing cybersecurity defenses, and assess your Essential Eight maturity level by booking a workshop with one of our Fortinet Essential Eight experts.