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Get Your Chuck Facts From This Cisco Employee

May, 03, 2016

Chuck Norris. Chuck Robbins. Same difference.

Or so thinks super-social Cisconian Rodney Heron. An Account Executive in Commercial Sales in Victoria (Australia), Rodney has been at Cisco for over 10 years.

Rodney kind of likes the "Facts of Chuck Norris" books -he has all three. So when now-Cisco-CEO Chuck Robbins was named the keynote speaker for Cisco Live 2015, he thought he'd have a little fun and start Tweeting some#ChuckFacts -but these would be about Robbins, not Norris.

"I have a little bit of a reputation with the social team that comes out for Cisco Live," Rodney says.

(In fact, another of his creative conversations,#fearthethumbs, was such a hit at Cisco Live 2014 that Cisco created thumb "workout" bands to hand out as gifts.)

"The#ChuckFacts have to be about Chuck Robbins, they have to be believable (okay, not really) but above all, it's got to be funny."

And funny they are. Here are a few of our favorites.

Apparently, Chuck Robbins has a favorite too. He responded on Twitter!

Why be an ambassador for Cisco on social media?

"It's fun, love being creative and if I can make someone laugh or smile then every tweet is a winner," Rodney said. "Sure I do post serious stuff from time to time, but really being social is about fun and engagement."

All the#ChuckFacts earned Rodney a follow from Chuck Robbins, and even a photo at GSX.

"He tells me that his kids really love the#ChuckFacts," Rodney says. And maybe one day it'll get me a free flight and ticket to a future Cisco Live!"

Employees love them too. Which one is your favorite? Tell us in comments, below. Better yet, give Rodney some ideas for his next Chuck Fact.

Want to work with witty, smart people like Rodney? Come apply at Cisco.

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