On 26 January 2024, Germany andNamibia -co-facilitators of the Summit of the Future -announced the release of the zero draft of the Pact for the Future.The zero draft tackles digital issues in the chapeau and in two subsequent chapters: international peace and security, and science, technology, innovation and digital cooperation.
The paragraph on peace and security notes that member states would act collectively to maintain and restore international peace and security on land, at sea, in space, incyberspaceand other emerging domains.They would also takeconcrete steps to avoid the misuse of emerging domains and new technologies.
The paragraph on science, technology and innovation and digital cooperation includes a commitment from member states tostrengthen digital cooperationand harness the potential of science, technology and innovation for the benefit of all humanity.Member states also reiterate their commitments for anopen, free, secure, inclusive and human-centred digital future.They further commit toensuring that new technologies are shaped in ways that are human-centred, reflect universal human values and protect the planet.
1.International peace and security
A sub-section in the chapter dedicated to peace and security focuses on 'emerging domains and new technology' and proposes a series of commitments from member states:
- Commitment todevelopinginternational norms, rules and principles to address threats to space systems,and launching negotiations on atreaty to ensure peace, security and the prevention of an arms race in outer space.
- Commitment tobe guided -in the use of ICTs -by agreed norms of responsible state behaviour.
- Commitment toconcluding a legally binding instrument to prohibit lethal autonomous weapons systemsthat function without human control or oversight, and which cannot be used in compliance with international humanitarian law, and toregulate all other types of autonomous weapons systems.
- Commitment tostrengthening oversight mechanisms for the use of data-driven technology, including AI, to support the maintenance of international peace and security.
- Commitment to developing norms, rules and principles on the design, development and use of military applications of AIthrough a multilateral process, while also ensuring engagement with other stakeholders.
- Commitment to exploringmeasures to address the risks involved in biotechnology and human enhancement technology applied to the military domain.
2. Science, technology and innovation and digital cooperation
Echoing to some extent the provisions of the UN General Assembly Resolution on science, technology and innovation for sustainable development (A/RES/78/160) and the Political declaration adopted at the 2023 SDG Summit (A/RES/78/1), this section acknowledges the role of science, technology and innovation (STI) in advancing sustainable development. Among other provisions, member states:
- Undertake to increase theuse of science and scientific evidence in policymaking.
- Reiterate the need toaccelerate the transfer of environmentally sound technologiesto developing countries on favourable terms.
- Commit toaddressing barriers to equal access for women and girls to STI.
- Commit to addressing structural impediments to accessing new and emerging technologies, including byscaling up the use of open science, affordable and open-source technology, research and development.
- Aim toincrease funding for research and innovation related to SDGsand build capacitiesin all regions to contribute to and benefit from such research.
- Call upon the UN system tosupport the efforts of developing countries to develop and strengthen their national STI ecosystems.
The zero draft also notes that theGlobal Digital Compact-developed and negotiated in a separate process -is to be annexed to the Pact for the Future.
The co-facilitators have also published a roadmap outlining the next steps towards the Summit of the Future in September 2024.
- 29 January 2024 | Presentation of the zero draft| Presentation of the zero draft
- By 12 February 2024 | Submission of written input by member states| Submission of written input by member states
- 6-9 February 2024 | First reading of the zero draft| First reading of the zero draft
- 21 February 2024 | Virtual consultations with Major Groups and other Stakeholders (MGoS) and civil society| Virtual consultations with Major Groups and other Stakeholders (MGoS) and civil society
- 21-23 February, 26-28 February, 4-6 March 2024 | Second reading| Second reading