Service Providers seeking to reduce operating expenses, deliver new services rapidly, are looking to SDN (Software Defined Networking) and virtualization technologies. Earlier this year, Light Reading and EANTC published an evaluation of Cisco's virtualization and cloud solution, including multivendor network orchestration and optimization. They've now published a follow-on, that takes a closer look at the data center, specifically the Network Function Virtualization infrastructure (NFVI).
For SP's to be successful in meeting customer experience requirementswith virtualized services, they must deploy an NFV infrastructure capable of supporting the same service level capabilities as the existing physical network. An automated, flexible and programmable system requires several considerations to be explored and factored into planning and deployment and it's these areas that were evaluated.
The report is being published in two sections. The first phase which focuses on Cisco's virtual switch technology and testing methodologies can be found here. Also mark your calendars for November 5that 0800 PT / 1100 ET where we'll go into more details on a live webinar.
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