Wow. According to a recent Forbes article, there could be 9.5 billion people on the planet by the year 2075. Think how much energy will be generated by that kind of world population. This puts the emphasis on energy-efficient tech...
Today's guest post is from Rolf vandeVaart, a Senior CUDA Engineer with NVIDIA. GPUs are becoming quite popular as accelerators in High Performance Computing clusters. For example, check out Titan; a recent entry into the Top 500 ...
12 years back when I delivered my first child, I went into postpartum depression and lost my work-life balance. I know exactly how it feels to lose balance and how to regain it. I have developed a purpose to make women more aware ...
Customers have often said to me, "Joann, we have virtualization all over the place. That's cloud isn't it?" My response is, "Well not really, that is not a cloud, but you can get to cloud!" Then there is a brief ...
Every year, ARC Advisory Group hosts forums and conferences in major cities around the world. Topics range from automotive, CPG, aerospace, biotech, chemicals, mining, oil and gas and other sectors. The forums allow co...
Here are tips to help you adopt and support mobility for your small and midsized business. Did you know, 42 percent of employees who own smartphones use them for work? In addition, 8 percent of Internet web based transactions and ...
We've posted two new videos of the mobility solutions that we showcased in the Cisco booth at NRF 2013. Cisco Connected Mobile Experiences -Deliver personalized, highly targeted mobile services to consumers to optimize the custo...
Topics such as Software Defined Networking and programmable networks are of great interest to many network operators these days. With that in mind we're pleased to kick off a new series of Webcasts to help our customer learn more ...
Today we wrap up our three part introduction of Cisco's new hybrid cloud infrastructure, Nexus 1000V InterCloud. In Part 1, we provided an overview of the architecture and the components that make up Nexus 1000V InterCloud. In Par...
Join Cisco executives and technology experts at one of the premier optical networking conferences from March 17-21 in Anaheim, California. We welcome you all to be part of the dialog around Next Generation Transport technolo...
I was really impressed with Cisco Live London..for those of you who took the time to shake our hand and say hello...THANK YOU! You make us feel like geek rock stars! Good thing the doors are really big at&...
Almost anywhere you go nowadays, you have internet access at your fingertips. With the trend of smart phones, tablets, and other personal devices taking flight, we're just a touch away from being connected -and with that comes hig...