I've come across many articles touting the differences between digital and social media. Here's one, for example, that suggests the words have lost their meaning entirely. It raises some good questions. What does digital even mean...
Cisco VNI Forecast Projects 1.6 Zettabytes of Global IP Traffic by 2018 Last June, Cisco released an update to its annual Visual Networking Index (VNI), 2013 -2018. The forecast projects a global annual run rate of 1.6 zettabytes ...
Seven billion. That's the number of mobile-connected devices that will be trying to get on networks this year. Now you're probably not going to be hosting all 7 billion of them, so let's try this number -4. As in...
So during last week's IoT World Forum in Chicago more than the 1,500 Internet of Things (IoT) industry experts came together for the second annual conference. The IoT is opening up a world of real opportunities for service provide...
In this week's episode of Engineers Unplugged, John Griffith (@jdg_8) and Kenneth Hui (@hui_kenneth) discuss Cinder-a way to abstract and give you block storage services inside of OpenStack. Great info with practical applications ...
Carlos Dominguez, Cisco Senior Vice-President in the Office of the Chairman and CEO, will present the luncheon keynote address on October 30 at the Boston Children's Hospital Global Pediatric Innovation Summit + Awards. Held...
According to Dr. Barry Devlin, amongst the foremost authorities on business insight and one of the founders of data warehousing, "Data without context is meaningless. It is also valueless. Without a well-understood business contex...
Cisco embraces SAP HANA TDI for Networking SAP recently announced that they have expanded their SAP HANA Tailored Data Center Integration (TDI) to include networking. So what does this mean? It means that if a SA...
Today's guest post comes from Ralph Castain, a principle engineer at Intel. The bulk of this post is an email he sent explaining the concept of a "slot" in typical HPC schedulers. This is a little departure from the normal f...
Last we spoke, it was about network deviceconfiguration management. Let's move our focus up the stack toapplications and management of their configuration. Whether enterprise or cloud-architected, running on physical ser...
Automation was a major theme at VMWorld 2014 in Barcelona this month and it was clear that IT professionals are discovering that they can't keep pace with business using manual provisioning and de-provisioning processes. The probl...
By Igor Dayen, Manager, SP Product and Solutions Marketing The excitement starts on November 3rdin Cancun, Mexico where Cisco is holding our next Cisco Live event. A great opportunity for the service provider community to s...