Post authored by Martin Rehak, Veronica Valeros, Martin Grill and Ivan Nikolaev. In order to complement the comprehensive information about the Angler exploit kit from ourThreat Spotlight: Angler Exposed |Angler Exploit Kit -New V...
If I told you about a woman who worked on the Mark I and ENIAC Computers in World War II, who was instrumental in solving a key problem of the Manhattan project, and who went on to develop one of the first computer science languag...
Written By Imran Idrees, Senior Marketing Manager, Global SP & Enterprise, Cisco Meraki Time to market. This is likely to be one of the top answers a service provider will cite when posed the question, "what is the most critic...
"Cisco Energy Management has given us a great deal of visibility into our energy consumption and usage patterns and has shown us that energy management can be done easily and seamlessly to deliver a significant return on investmen...
In the beginning of the month we had the honor of participating in Wireless Field Day 8. For the unsure, the Tech Field Day crew brings in independent bloggers, speakers, and podcasters to vendors in the bay area for deep-dives. T...
Recently I was just granted the title, "Road Warrior." If you followed me on Twitter, you probably knew that I had been traveling lots lately. And I continue to live up to that title! Next up: MapR Big Data Everywhere in Austin (1...
High stakes can ride on the telling of a story. InOne Thousand and One Nights, the legendary Persian queen Scheherazade tells 1,000 stories on successive nights to save her life from the vengeful sultan. She ensnares his imaginati...
I caught up with Stewart Young, Global Alliance Manager at OSIsoft LLC, a Cisco partner, to find out more about 'Edge Computing', or, as some call it, 'Fog Computing'. With the huge amount of data coming off Industrial sensors and...
Co-authored with Dani Schrakamp Cybersecurity for all October is#CyberAware month. This year marks the 12th anniversary of this national cybersecurity awareness campaign, with it bringing a hot topic of discussion. In the digital ...
The cloud has become inescapable. Email about it clutters your IN box, headlines about it adorn your magazines, colleagues chatter about its merits in the hallways, and meeting after meeting is held to determine just what-if anyt...
Worries about diminished GDP growth, a shrinking middle class and rising geopolitical conflicts are rampant. Many may be concerned about the direction our world is headed in, but complete disruption of the ways our cities and coun...
Written By Igor Dayen, SP Product and Solutions Marketing A year ago, SK Broadband announced the world's first 10 Gbps Internet service at the 2014 ITU Plenipotentiary Conference. This innovative new service was 100 times faster t...