A CMX Partner Ecosystem Blog Ecosystem partners are an important adjunct to Cisco Connected Mobile Experience (CMX). They augment the analytic and customer engagement capabilities of the solution with innovative business outcomes....
2nd Guest Blog by Ron Graham Ron Graham had served as a Data Center Architect and Systems Engineer for some of the largest IT companies in the U.S. including Cisco Systems, NetApp, Sun Microsystems, and Oracle. He is cu...
The Internet of Everything (IoE) is already helping to unlock new possibilities for health care. What's coming next is a new kind of connected medicine with the potential to save lives. A networked connection of people, process, d...
We see our customers across a range of industries are striving to become digital enterprises. Easier said than done in today's hyper distributed environments. With over 14 billion devices online today and 50 billion expected by 20...
Cisco employees, who also happen to be women technologists, are gearing up to attend/speak/participate in the Grace Hopper Celebration of Women in Computing in October. During the conference, upcoming women technologists will be ...
What if... ...We lived in a world where each and every child has equal access to a quality education... ...A place where all students can learn new and innovative skills, setting them up for success, even in this ever-changing wor...
Guest Blog byIgor Dayen, SP Product and Solutions Marketing Optical transport has been transformed as integrated high-performance Digital Signal Processing has enabled vendors such as Cisco to squeeze more capacity at greater dis...
Co-authored with Dani Schrakamp Learn Without Limits Today's new technology trends, particularly those around digitization and the Internet of Everything, present education with an unprecedented amplifier. We now have the capacity...
I spent last Sunday in a cold, damp changing room with 15 other forty-something parents. We were attending the first day of our FA Level 1 Soccer Coaching course. It was fascinating! Our instructor really brought to life a framewo...
Guest Blog and Interview by Anuja Singh Welcome to the September edition of our monthly CEWN segment about role models. We all make resolutions and set goals to improve ourselves-but somewhere along the way, lif...
This post is authored byEarl Carter&Holger Unterbrink. Overview Talos is often tasked with mapping the backend network for a specific piece of malware. One approach is to first reverse engineer the sample and determine exactly...
Next week I'm headed to the Gartner Symposium/ITxpo 2015 in Orlando -and I'm looking forward to seeing many of our top clients and many analysts from Gartner. The energy and buzz created by bringing thousands of organizational lea...