As part of Cisco Live Melbourne, the Health Innovation Roundtable was established to bring together representatives from more than 20 hospitals in Australia, drawing on a broad range of roles including board members, CIOs, clinici...
Recently my team in the Cisco Data Center Software Group got together for a game of bubble soccer. "What is bubble soccer?" you ask. It's only a game involving giant inflatable orbs of fun! More specifically, it's a combination be...
Having personally spent a lot of time at Fortune 500's, I know that individuals tend to develop blinders when dedicated to an organization, and begin to accept that things are done a certain way, and there is an order about things...
We often wish people "safe travels".. yet how much do we consider what it means in today's hyper-connected world? More than ever, technology has given us the ability to change the world. Inbar Lasser-Raab, recently shared how digi...
By Melissa Zelyez, Cisco Marketing Manager Why are 50% of all businesses open to changing cloud providers? Service providers can be the top choice, if they prepare now... Today most businesses currently using cloud services do so...
eHealth week is June 8-10 in Amsterdam, The Netherlands, and is going to center on three main themes -Empowering People, Trust & Standards and Social Innovation & Transition. eHealth innovation across the globe contin...
"Enterprises won't need systems integration and professional services if they shut down their IT Operations and move to the cloud." -Light Reading, May 31, 2016 Without any context, that quote could be wildly misinterpreted, and c...
There is a new role of voice in today's communications. While we increasingly use text messages, instant messages, video, chat, and other technologies to communicate, voice continues to be a strong application that we use to reach...
I am excited to share that Cisco, once again, secured a leadership position in Gartner 2016 WAN Optimization Magic Quadrant. This comes shortly after the Best of Interop win in Las Vegas for Cisco Enterprise NFV. According to the ...
Recognition for Cisco UCS continues! Forrester Research recently positioned Cisco as a "Leader" in their report: The Forrester Wave?: Big Data Hadoop-Optimized Systems, Q2 2016. Built on innovation, designed for business accelerat...
With the inevitable explosion of more wireless devices and Wi-Fi hungry apps, does your current wireless network have the ability to handle multi-gigabit speeds? If it doesn't, there's no need to worry, one of the key innovations ...
Submitted by Kelsey Kusterer Ziser, the Editor of Upskill U at Light Reading. In order to reap the full benefits that virtualization provides in greater network flexibility and reduced opex, service providers need a strong strateg...