We've all been there: we just had a test performed at a doctor's office, now we're at home waiting on pins and needles for the results. Whether the results are good or bad, hearing them on the telephone can be a bit impersonal. S...
The excitement around the Grace Hopper Celebration of Women in Computing (#GHC16) conference is growing and growing! That's because only a few days from now, some really awesome women in tech will descend upon Houston, TX and...
Locky has continued to evolve since its inception in February 2016. This has made it difficult to track at times due to changes in the way in which it's distributed as well as various characteristics of the m...
Are you investing in new IT equipment -or for that matter, any IT services including SaaS/Cloud services? If so, I wonder how much you have invested in your operations management people, processes, and tools? Or are you...
In early July, I read a blog about two Cisco Interns, best friends starting their career together at Cisco -and I smiled. My mind immediately flashed back to a summer 12 years ago where two young girls stood nervously in li...
Rapidly changing business conditions, global competition, and digital transformation projects have resulted in an increased reliance on IT to deliver positive business outcomes. Yet, many businesses continue to struggle with deliv...
In the summer of 2012, I was asked to pick up a high profile project with time restrictions for Bank of America/Merrill Lynch (BAML). The brief was to implement a mobile phone recording solution for UK traders to comply with UK's ...
As a Cisco customer, your voice is important to us. We want to hear about your experience with our company, the good and the bad, and use your feedback to design and prioritize improvements. We listen to you in a variety of ways a...
My grandfather used to say, "Better safety than sorry." His message was as strong as his English was broken. Case in point -cybersecurity and the banks of today. Earlier this year, hackers broke through the security firewall of th...
As digitization is being embraced by companies, communities, cities, organizations large and small, it is critical to assess and address the challenges that exist. Challenges that can become show-stoppers for the internet of thing...
Last year, I wrote a series of blogs exploring the various technology and business factors to keep in mind while considering an Internet of Things (IoT) deployment. Since then, IoT has continued to accelerate its drive toward tran...
Picture in your mind a typical US federal agency. Go ahead, close your eyesandimagine it. Seriously, do it. As you think about that agency, pick the first two adjectives that came to mind. Did they happen to befreshandinnovative?&...