What do a wild bunch of Cisconians with a passion for the written word, a wicked sense of humor, and a singular focus on customer experience all have in common? For starters, you get ten Cisco employees who are part of the Securit...
Today data center customers are rolling out newer trends and technologies at a rapid pace. SaaS, DevOps, and migration to Cloud are disruptions that mandate a robust networking technology to deliver on the promise of innovation. T...
Today marks another milestone in the journey to Intent-based Networking. Today is good news for Managed Service Providers! First though, some data points regarding the current state of managed network services. There arefewer than...
How do you know if you're getting the most out of CLUS? A simple indicator: If your feet don't hurt and your step-counting device of choice isn't smoking, you're not trying hard enough. And Tuesday in Orlando has drawn to a close....
Does your vendor care about deploying security patches or firmware updates? Do they understand the constrains of an Internet of Things (IoT) architecture? Do they communicate important actions you need to take and are committed to...
By sheer necessity, there is an increasingly interdependent role between NetOps and SecOps in many enterprises. Cisco has been monitoring three trends: Networks are connecting ever more devices, locations and users. The complexi...
Executive Summary Microsoft has released its monthly set of security advisories for vulnerabilities that have been identified and addressed in various products. This month's advisory release addresses 50 flaws, with 11 of them rat...
For more than 20 years, organizations have been running their networks pretty much the same way. But recently, that way has become increasingly difficult, fragmented, and expensive. Modern networks need to be both more integrated,...
To better compete in a rapidly evolving marketplace, companies are turning to the cloud and making applications the lifeblood of their business. The pressure to innovate has never been greater. This is one of the biggest IT transf...
As Bonnie Raitt would say, let's give them something to talk about! And, that is exactly what our retail team intends to do this week at Cisco Live! 2018 (CLUS) in Orlando. While planning for this week's events, we intentionally p...
Back in 2014, we started DevNet, Cisco's developer program. We knew that software, APIs, and programmability would become core to the network, and we knew that we were going to drive programmabil...
In this third part of my 'cable story' blog, we'll get into how to better monetize the pipe. It's not a big secret that the video business is being commoditized. Actually, only a third of the serviceable cable homes and businesses...