Technology holds great promise to improve lives -consider how every second in India, three people experience the Internet for the first time. Or how video collaboration units enable patients at family health clinics in rural...
Cisco emerged as the one of the biggest winner at the Telecom Asia's 11thReaders' Choice & Innovation Awards, winning three categories -Cloud Innovation of the Year, for Cisco Managed Services Accelerator; Data Center Innovati...
Boys Town is a non-profit that has spent over a century providing support and education to help at-risk kids suffering from abuse, abandonment, addiction and more. Since their inception in 1917, the organization has grown to the n...
Today, we are excited to announce the release of Jabber 12.5. Our goal is to "build bridges" and provide technology that works together and delivers a consistent experience, regardless of the device or application you use. S...
November 29, 2018 Dell Technologies Reports Fiscal Year 2019 Third Quarter Financial Results ...
In today's world, applications mean (among many others) business, entertainment, education, news and, of course... profit. There are entire new businesses created from applications, and.... there are entire existing businesses sur...
You know that feeling when you are right at the beginning of something big? A long-distance run perhaps, an extended vacation, or your first zip-line trip. You get this tingling feeling of anticipation. That was my feeling at Cisc...
Learn how Cisco Capital and ecosystem partner Avi Networks worked together to create tailored solutions and unlock enhanced customer outcomes. Around the world, teams of IT and financial leaders meet on conference calls, and in me...
This past October, Amazon announced their new AWS Consulting Partner Private Offer Program. Rather than having to work through an entirely separate purchasing process, customers can now purchase AWS Marketplace software solut...
Virtual|Reality|(VR) is starting to disrupt all manner of industries. From Construction to Healthcare, Financial Services to Formula One. It's one of the cooler technology innovations to happen of late. The value of VR is clearly ...
Fortinet and AWS Offer New, Integrated Security Solutions One of the most exciting parts of the annual AWS Re:Invent conference happening each holiday season is not just seeing how fast new services are being launched....
Where is your factory vulnerable? We understand how hard you have worked to build a secure factory and digital framework. We know the landscape has changed dramatically over the past ten years, and we get how hard it has been to s...