In a mobile application ecosystem dominated by Over-the-Top (OTT) providers, mobile operators need to exploit new business models in ways to create value with them. One example of a Monetization use case promising a new business m...
As you probably know,Cisco Connected Mobile Experiences (CMX) enables businesses to develop engaging mobile experiences with personalized guest onboarding, engagement, and location analytics. CMX leverages Wifi network intelligenc...
What if a private cloud could give your developers the easy, fast, and predictable experience that public cloud delivers, but inside your own data center, behind your own firewalls? It's what more and more companies are look...
Collaboration is all about enabling diverse and distributed team members, both inside and outside your organization to effectively communicate, share information, and work toward a common goal. The benefits of collaboration show u...
There is no question that we're on the cusp of rapid IT evolution. Ten years ago, a small subset of IT managers and system administrators defined and drove infrastructure and services with a finite set of management tools for ever...
Valley Children's Hospital is a nonprofit,state-of-the-art, children's hospital on a 50-acre campus in Madera, California, with a medical staff of more than 550 physicians. With 356 licensed beds, Valley Children's Hospital is one...
We've been talking for a while about Cisco ACI's leadership in SDN security features (like here), and in the design of our fine-grained security policy enforcement between individual workloads, sometimes called microsegmentation. ...
The Best of Interop Awards for 2015 were announced today at 5.30 PM, at the Interop Theater. Cisco APIC won the Best of Interop award in the SDN category. To learn more about this unique product, you can refer to the followi...
#CiscoChampion Radio is a podcast series by Cisco Champions as technologists. Today we'll be talking about CCIE Wireless exam updates with Cisco CCIE Program Manager Erik Vangrunderbeek, Cisco Engineering Technical Leader Jerome H...
Has your wireless network help you identify the closest Printer to you? That's exactly the kind of problems Cisco wireless is helping solve at Vanderbilt University. Located in the heart of Nashville,TN, the Vanderbilt campus con...
Cisco booth 221 atEMC World 2015:Stop, Win, and Save (SWS) I'm looking forward to EMC World 2015 at the Venetian in Las Vegas where thousands of attendees will meet and learn about the latest in storage, networking, and solutions....
One of the most exciting, yet challenging opportunities companies face today is related to data. Every year, they have to deal with about 40% more data than the year before. At this rate, by 2020, there will be 40 zettabytes of da...