Cisco Intercloud Services and Why the Network Matters I'd like to open by restating a position on Cloud:Cloud is only in its very infancy in terms of adoption.Despite all the hype in market, largely created by the marketing of the...
Smart devices give us access to information and services at the speed of need. But they have conditioned us to expect anything and everything faster - and that includes IT services. This expectation for speed coupled with modern t...
One of the things I love about Cisco Live is seeing old friends and meeting new ones. Especially fun is meeting people I've known on Twitter! To help increase this fun, I'm announcing SelfieBINGO!Hopefully, this will st...
Today, Cisco released the 10thannual VNI Global IP Traffic and Service Adoption Forecasts for 2014 -2019 (see media release). The primary drivers of global IP traffic growth continue to show increases that will create a greater gl...
When the Best of Interop 2015 award winners were announced at the Mandalay Bay Convention Center in Las Vegas, the ITD team members couldn't control their emotions. This team is well known to work in a startup-mode - comes up with...
You should never admit that you don't watch Star Trek. Ever. But you especially shouldn't make this admission when you're at a Star Trek-themed party taking place during an OpenStack Summit. It's a conversation stopper. Your St...
#CiscoChampion Radio is a podcast series by Cisco Champions as technologists. Today we'll be talking about the Talos Security and Intelligence Research Group with Sr. Technical Leader / Security Outreach Manager Craig Williams. Li...
Companies' expectations of IT keep increasing as the pace of business intensifies, creating greater demand for new services and faster access to resources and data. If you have been reading my blogs, you know that THE way fo...
The lines between offline and online experiences are blurring. Customers no longer go online, they are online 24/7, and that includes inside your stores. In fact according to recent Google research, 89% of smartphone users leverag...
The key to retail today is customer understanding -where each customer stands on his or her personal shopping journey, whether in-store or out. Retailers must "know" each shopper as never before. And they must offer the kinds of c...
We are just a few weeks away from what has become my favorite event of the year: Cisco Live. I've been attending Cisco Live consistently for the last several years and this year I will be attending as a NetVet for the first time. ...
Hadoop is a Game Changer ! Cisco and MapR have partnered to offer a comprehensive portfolio for enterprise Hadoop deployments that combines Cisco UCS and the MapR Distribution for Apache Hadoop. With significant investments i...