Today's Guest Blog is from Surjit Ahluwalia* who leads the Global IOE Healthcare Solutions and Services Practice organization within the Advanced Services organization in Cisco. On January 29th, 2016, Cisco joined forces with Exte...
Recently, I had the opportunity to participate on a panel discussion of Internet of Things (IoT) privacy and security at the Consumer Electronics Show in Las Vegas. This week, Barcelona plays host to the 2016 Mobile World Congress...
The workforce of tomorrow is being created today. Technology is now a fundamental part of education even at its earliest stages, at the pre-school and elementary level. While this technology brings great power, it's also important...
How the Digital Age has us re-thinking the victor of the AC/DC wars. Luis Suau shows Robb Boyd how to plug in a light.Remember when gas lighting gave way to electricity as the future for lighting? Me either, it wasover one hundre...
During Cisco Live! in Berlin last week, 43,320 oranges were squeezed to fuel the creative juices of customers, partners and developers who converged to co-innovate around the Internet of Things. That's a lot of orange juice! And w...
I am a new Cisco hire -Head of Financial Services Solutions & Innovation EMEAR and I just came back from Cisco Live Berlin. This is my first time at the event, having spent 30 years in banking. My first impression? Firstly, WO...
The Dandy Lab is a menswear lifestyle store based in Central London. Using Cisco Universal Power over Ethernet on Catalyst switching as the foundation, The Dandy Lab has seamlessly integrated technology into their business to prov...
Massive digital transformation is creating significant new opportunities for service providers. The number of Internet connected devices will grow from 15 billion today to 500 billion by 2030. The rise of cloud computing is a game...
Did you know that Cisco created the Cisco Secure Development Lifecycle (Cisco SDL) to ensure that security is central through the entire product development process? Cisco SDL is a repeatable and measurable process we've designed ...
Written By Volker Tegtmeyer, Senior Manager Product & Solution Marketing The adoption of Network Functions Virtualization is a top item on every Service Providers' agenda.Agility,FlexibilityandCost Reductionsare the drivers p...
Digital disruption is here. According to a 2015 survey from the Global Center for Digital Business Transformation (DBT Center), a joint initiative of Cisco and the Institute of Management Development (IMD), 47 percent of retail ex...
The Mobile World Congress this week in Barcelona is host to almost 100,000 attendees. That's a lot of people! Since the mobile industry has such a significant impact on the world and the worldwide economy, no wonder there is so mu...