Apparently Monday was just a warm-up. Tuesday started with several announcements before sunrise and just kept going past sundown with the Cisco Reception. Theenergy level throughout the day? A strong buzzing. And there was a lot t...
In today's hyper-fast, hyper-competitive digital age, it's increasingly clear from talking with customers and partners that leading companies must share and leverage each other's best practices. No single company -no matter...
My eleven-year old daughter came to me a few months ago claiming an intense dislike for Robotics. As any other parent can tell you, her avowal mademe terribly sad. More so since she claimed Robotics was a "boy-thing." I told ...
Yes,Cisco Spark has arrived! That cool mobile business messaging app we launched a year ago has grown up. It's now a full-blown business communications service from the Cisco cloud. We are really excited about bringing this to ma...
Patch Tuesday for March 2016 has arrived. Today, Microsoft has released their monthly set of security bulletins designed to address security vulnerabilities within their products. This month's release contains 13 bulletins address...
#CiscoChampion Radio is a podcast series by Cisco Champions as technologists. Today we're discussing Digital Ceiling with Cisco Subject Matter Expert John Parello. Get the Podcast Listen to this episode Download this ...
Today, March 8, marks International Women's Day, an opportunity to celebrate phenomenal women around the world. This year's theme, Step it Up for Gender Equality, encourages everyone to take the#Planet5050 pledge in support ...
Sydney Summit Portends What's Important In 2016 I just returned from Sydney, Australia, where I attended the Gartner Business Intelligence, Analytics and Information Management Summit. Sydney is the first of seven Gartner BI...
Virtualizing your network functions and decoupling them from specific hardware can help you simplify operations, automate service delivery, and make money more quickly. Find out how to do it the right way in our latest Fundamental...
It was somewhere between not too long ago, and a lifetime ago that I was graduating high school and entering College and pondering that dreaded question, "what do you want to be when you grow up?" As a child I had loads of ...
According to a study by Accenture, price is not the primary reason for customer churn: 66% of respondents stated they have switched companies due to poor customer service. But what makes this number even more relevant is that 82% ...
Today, I'm excited to announce the acquisition of Synata. Synata is a privately-held company based in San Francisco that will enhance how customers can search rooms and content within Cisco Spark, our business collaboration servic...