Technology for technology's sake is an interesting academic exercise. It pushes the boundaries of what's possible and opens new avenue for research. However, the real value of technology is in its ability to deliver benefits. Comp...
Hello! My name is Suzy Treece and I shepherd Cisco's Hospitality practice. As you can see, we have now added Hospitality to our Retail feed. For those of us who have lived and breathed Hospitality for a number of years, it's a pas...
Connected Transportation for Education helps Howe Public Schools improve safety, efficiency, mobility and productivity. With live video monitoring via on-board cameras, Howe Public Schools can help keep students safe while en...
"Over the last five years we have witnessed a radical shift in shopper behavior fueled by the seismic impacts of mobile and social." That's how Piers Fawkes, founder of leading edge research firm PSFK introduces his latest re...
This post was written by guest blogger Linas Dauksa, Marketing Manager,Enterprise Segment, and DIRT volunteer A few months ago, I picked up my friend, Audra, at San Francisco airport. During our drive, we chatted about her fu...
With ten new partnersyou know it's not an illusion Do you remember that magic trick with the metal rings that seem linked together? The magician pulls and an audience member pulls and the rings seem to be solid -forming an unbreak...
Cloud is now a fundamental part of IT landscapes. Enterprise and IT executives deal with large numbers of applications that are being versioned faster than ever before. Running IT is increasingly challenged to support line-o...
May was a busy month for trade shows and industry events. So much so, that keynote after keynote, session after session began to blur together. Given the event filled month, I find myself thinking about some events more than other...
This post was authored by Warren Mercer. Patch Tuesday for June 2016 has arrived where Microsoft releases their monthly set of security bulletins designed to address security vulnerabilities within their products. This month's rel...
#CiscoChampion Radio is a podcast series by Cisco Champions as technologists. Today we're discussing Acano. Get the Podcast Listen to this episode Download this episode (right-click on the episode's download button) View&...
"Cisco is disappointed in the DC Circuit's decision to uphold the FCC's open Internet rules. We believe in an open Internet and that balanced rules to protect consumers and prevent anti-competitive behavior are necessary and appro...
Malware doesn't play by the rules, so today's IT infrastructure needs to provide several layers of defense for end-users. Some of the more common devices used to protect modern networks are Intrusion Prevention systems (IPS)...