It is the same as Catalisador 3850.
Power cycle the switch. Immediatly press and hold the Botão Modo:
Hold the button till the Status LED will go amber. Then on the console you should be in Boot Loader:
Cisco Catalyst 9300 in boot loader mode
Add the following variables. Type the following command to ignore a startup configuration and boot again:
Then boot the switch.
Interruptor: boot
Command to ignore a startup configuration and boot
The switch will attempt to boot again:
The switch is attemping to boot
Once the switch has booted you can copy the saved config back into the running config.
Interruptor# copy start runn
Next set your password(s). Finally we want to remove the variables we set while in Boot Loader.
Switch# no system ignore startupconfig switch all
Save your new config.
Switch# copy runn start
Cisco Catalyst 9300 Series Switches
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