As we find ourselves at the peak of the holiday shopping season, retailers have found ways to navigate numerous obstacles including supply chain disruptions, fluctuating consumer behaviors and continued challenges due to COVID-19. An additional thorn in the side for retailers across all verticals is the current labor shortage. Condensed hours, "Now Hiring" signs and pieced together shifts have become daily reminders of what retailers are dealing with.
Then, in the midst of this reality, holiday sales are on track to blow past the record for spending as consumer demand continues to grow and with it comes considerable increases in store foot traffic. A recent ICSC survey revealed half of U.S. consumers plan to make more trips to stores to shop for presents this year and 85% of shoppers intend on spending money in physical stores.
So, how can retailers keep up with this demand and continue to meet their customers with the same level of service and experience despite a shortage of staff? How are retailers positioning themselves as an attractive place to work as they look to acquire new staff for the holidays?
The answer is digitizing and modernizing the associate experience. Retailers across the board are spending more time and resources strengthening the associate experience and focusing on the most foundational component of their retail operations, their people. As a customer's experience is only as good as their interaction with an associate, the associate experience is only as good as the digital tools they are working with.
Here are Cisco's four key components for Enhancing the Associate Experience in Retail: