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Announcing the IoTWF 2015 Registration is Now Open!

Sep, 10, 2015

The Internet of Things World Forum (IoTWF), Dubai is just three months away! In its third year, the IoT World Forum is continuing some of our hallmark programs while introducing new activities.

As in previous years, the industry's leaders in public sector, private business and education will gather again to collaborate, network, partner, and build the IoT ecosystem together.  The IoTWF is the one place where the entire IoT community can share the latest developments and emerging applications, all of which will be on display onsite.

Back this year are amazing keynote speakers, targeted business breakout sessions, our expanded research symposium, an exciting tour to highlight local IoT deployments, our IoT Hack-a-thon, and Innovation and Security Grand Challenges. New this year are technical breakout sessions, proven customer stories to highlight lessons learnt, IoT talks, an interoperable demo, the service provider angle on IoT, and increased time for networking.    With registrations recently opened, I wanted to highlight some of my favorite aspects to this year's World Forum.


The IoTWF 2015 will be held in Dubai, United Arab Emirates, where technology has transformed a remote seaport into a global hub, site of the 2020 World Expo, and an important landmark in the emerging IoT landscape. As in previous years we're doing a city tour so attendees can see how our host city has begun to utilize Internet of Things Technologies.

Broader Community Reach & Startup Showcase

This year, we have twice the numbers of sponsorship opportunities -including for startups! Current sponsors include Intel, GE, Rockwell, Schneider, Siemens... and many more! Each year we've increased the numbers of attendees for the IoTWF -which helps bring a wider and deeper set of perspectives to the World Forum. Back by popular demand, is the Startup Showcase featuring companies that are on the cutting edge of innovation, showcasing their technologies at the event.  As in previous years, startups are chosen for the showcase and the reduced sponsorship package based on their innovative technology, are those who have a viable product to showcase at the World Forum, and have already earned a minimum of funding. To learn more about the available sponsorship opportunities contact Courtney Aguilar at [email protected].

How to participate

There are a few ways to participate: as an attendee, a sponsor, and remotely.

As in previous years, this is an invite-only event. This is to keep the intimate environment and collegial experience attendees have come to expect.  Also, as in previous years, you can request an invite.  Past attendees will tell you this was both a great networking opportunity as well as being informative & enlightening.

There are also a few easy and fun ways to participate remotely and leading up to the World Forum.  The first is via#IoTChat and the second is our searchable world map of IoT deployments.#IoTChat is our weekly industry discussion of the Internet of Things led by @Cisco_IoT.  While not every week is focused on the world forum, it is usually a lively and interesting discussion. You can always join by following the hashtag#IoTChat on twitter -Wednesdays 11am PT / 2pm ET.

300+ Use Cases!

Another way to participate is perusal of and inclusion into our World Map of Deployments.  Is your IoT deployment listed?  We've been collecting examples of IoT deployments all over the world. You can look at over 300 and we're collecting more every day. Is your favorite deployment listed? If not, you should add it to be included.

I'll close with a fantastic welcome message from John Chambers

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